What is ABWCI?

Welcome to the Association of Business Women in Commerce & Industry (ABWCI), a virtual global chamber for women entrepreneurs - enabling and celebrating women's business acumen & ambition through connecting our members to industry leaders, professional development resources, and relevant opportunities.

We are a community that ranges from prominent women entrepreneurs to educational institutions, and companies investing in women. We aim to empower and support women in business by providing a global networking platform. At ABWCI, we understand, and value the vital role women entrepreneurs play in driving economic growth and employment generation. We strive to create a world for women entrepreneurs where they have fewer challenges to funding access, regulatory barriers, entrepreneurial education and more.

At ABWCI we are re-defining networking and invite you to join this community of committed, passionate, successful and influential women in business!

We are here to help your business grow and prosper.

Begin your journey


ABWCI helps women in business by:

  • Providing a liberal platform to express their views
  • Offering a plethora of opportunities to showcase their talent
  • Providing global exposure with conferences & useful resources

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ABWCI aims to nurture and provide an enabling environment for women in business to build a sustainable and better future.


Establish a collaborative ecosystem to engage, network, identify and leverage market opportunities globally.



Recognize and identify potential women in business capable of supplying goods and services with the highest quality standards via a selective registration process to match buyers and sellers.

We identify opportunities to leverage local and global markets by bucketing of businesses based on region, product/service, target demographic, current status and building a high-yielding global network.


Global Footprint

Member Spotlight

Supriya Pujari

Supriya's Life Coaching Centre

Supriya Pujari is a renowned Life Coach based out of Pune. She is the founder of Supriya's Life Coaching Centre. She is an accredited life coach by the International Coach Federation (ICF), USA, and is a master practitio ...

Global Ambassadors

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Member Spotlight

Bindu Mehrotra

Bindu Herbal Products


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Member Spotlight

Ratika Bhargava


True believers in ‘destiny has carved out a purposeful path for each one,’ the beginning of our exciting journey exploring our relationship with food started back in 2015. We, Ratika & Richa (Ratzz & ...

Global Secretariat

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